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Special Education Needs and Local Offer

The setting is a full day care setting which operates from Monday - Friday term time only (South Gloucestershire Academic Term Dates.) We are open from 9:00 - 15:00 for 38 weeks of the year (September - July.) Places are available for children from 2-5 years. Sessions are for 3 hours - mornings, afternoons or full days. Each session has between 24 - 30 children in attendance, with 4/6 members of staff in the preschool room and 8 children with 2 members of staff in the two year room. The premises is an old school listed building with one main room (preschool), a smaller room (2 year room)  and an outside area. The setting has a nominated safeguarding officer  and SENCO.

All staff are Makaton trained and use a variety of visual aids, picture exchange system and communication aids. The majority of the staff team are also trained in I can Early boost language therapy program and the Hennen language program. Six staff members have completed the Autism Education Trust competency program. Their is  wheelchair access and all staff have received training in support children with hearing difficulties , peg feeding and a range of health needs. The two year room staff attend a 2 year network, the Senco and senco support attend inclusion network and Makaton networks and the owner attends  moderating network within the local authority.

Children with additional health/Educational needs will be placed on a support plan and professionals involved with these children will be invited into the setting and the staff work alongside these professionals . To ensure we can support our families as best as possible we may sometimes have to limit the amount of children with additional needs that we have to ensure we can meet all the children's needs in our setting.   

The setting is situated in a small car park with two steps to the main entrance; there is wheelchair accessibility through the back entrance via a small ramp. There is a disabled toilet, with two further sets of toilets. The main room and outside areas are accessed via a hallway and ramp. The building is accessed via a doorbell system and then through two separate locked doors. There is limited storage for wheelchairs/car seats/mobility aids in the main building. The main room is set up daily with consideration for mobility taken into account when putting equipment out.  The main room has high ceilings and a wooden floor; the smaller room has lower ceiling and a lino floor. Play-mats and cushions are used for relaxation and comfort. Children's equipment and resources are laid on the floor, tables or are accessible from the children's toy trolley, which have visual aids printed on them to help identify the activity. There is one captain's chair and two different sized pre-school chairs and tables. There is a small cornered off sleeping area, with sleeping mats and sleeping bags for children to access if they are tired or sleep during the day.

To view the full details of the Special Education Needs Local Offer please click below.

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