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                                                        ST MARYS PRE-SCHOOL PUPIL PREMIUM STATEMENT

Pupil Premium is additional funding provided as of April 2015 to Early Years Settings, which is in addition to the Early Years Education Grant. It is allocated according to the number of 3 and 4 year olds in state funded education if they meet at least 1 of the following criterion:

Their family receives 1 of the following:

·         Income Support

·         Income-based jobseekers Allowance

·         Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

·         Support under part v1 of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999

·         The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

·         Child Tax Credit (provided they’re not also entitled to working tax credit and have an annual gross income of no more that £16,190)

·         Working Tax Credit run-on, which is paid for four weeks after they stop qualifying for working tax credit

·         Universal Credit

Children for whom we receive pupil premium are referred to as ‘disadvantaged’ by the government and this funding is provided to close the gap in achievement between this group and other children. In addition to this group of children; pupil premium is also available for children whom;

·         They have been in local authority care for 1 day or more in England and Wales

·         They have been adopted from Care in England or Wales

·         They have left care under a special guardianship or residence order in England or Wales. 

·         Children of Armed Forces Personnel (have severed in the last 3 years or died in action).

At St. Mary’s Pre-School we believe that every child deserves the same opportunities in life to learn and develop to the best of their ability and we are committed to closing the attainment gap. We encourage parents to be involved in the spending and have an ethos where working together with parents to make decisions on what the funding will be spent on and which will in turn benefit the child. 

Schools are required to publish information on how Pupil Premium expenditure has been  spent, the impact of pupil premium is regularly monitored to ensure that the spending is spent in a way in which these children entitled will benefit.


St. Mary’s Pre-School Ltd has used their pupil premium in the following ways;

·         Family Link Work from experienced practitioners

          Home visits, parenting support for bed time, toilet training, play and engagement and behaviour support 

·         Contributions (cover full costs in some cases) towards School uniforms, Jumpers, T-shirts and shoes.

·         Contributions (cover the full costs in some cases)  towards Annual School trip

·         Extra Sessions

·         Contributions (cover the full costs in some cases) for photographs. 

·         Enrichment activities, gym club, Jazzy Jamboree and Donkey visits.

  Bus travel trips

  Animal experiences

  Gardening resources, seeds and planting 


·         Home story sacks and parenting library

·         Mathematics resources

          Literacy resources

          Physical equipment

          Dolls house, fairy dragon world

In addition to this Pupil Premium spending in the future, expenditure will be considered to be paid to the following ways if the benefit is deemed appropriate.   


·         Travel Costs (to and from Pre-School)

·         Pastoral Care from experienced practitioners.

·         Supporting families, training and parental well being

·         Training for staff and parents

·         Family events

·         Parenting courses, training and information

·         Language and literacy Support/resources

·         Gardening and Nature learning

If your child is entitled to Early Years Pupil Premium, Rachel will speak to you directly to work together on supporting the needs of your child.



Number of pupils and Early Years pupil premium grant (EYPP) received

Total number of pupils on roll                60

NO. of children in receipt of EYPP         9 over the 11 months

Amount of PPG received per pupil        68 p per hour

Total amount of PPG received                £2502.00

Total amount spent on pupils                 2700.00 


We ensure that the teaching, learning and experiences in our pre-school meets the needs of each individual child. We take into consideration each child’s culture capital to ensure we can enhance the children’s learning opportunities. The Early Years Pupil Premium Grant is spent in accordance to the individual eligible child and their family.  At the begging of academic year 2022 6 children were entitled to EYPP, in the spring and summer term 8 children were entitled.


The children displayed different family circumstances and different learning needs/ areas of support deemed appropriate.

Two children lived over 1 mile away and had bus passes were purchased to help the families ensure the children attending preschool on their booked in days.

Another child’s family had recently moved and monies were spend on providing the family with resources to put in the home for the child. Another family money was spend on nappies and clothing and then on food vouchers to ensure the child was able to have a healthy school packed lunch.

Other finances were used to enhance the curriculum of the whole group such as booked in visits and outings.

School uniforms, photographs , school trips were also purchased for families as well as additional sessions  .



 The bus passes improved children’s attendance especially during the wet cold months in autumn and spring term . Additional session ensure children attended for their half days changing to full day attendance.

Helping families with the cost of living and providing them with local supermarket vouchers ensured children were having healthier and appropriate lunches.

Ensuring children are able to attend additional enhanced experiences supports children with their learning experiences and opportunities.




                     Number of pupils and Early Years pupil premium grant (EYPP) received

                     Total number of pupils on roll            67 children

                     No. of children in receipt of EYPP  Total of 8 over year

                     Amount of PPG received per pupil  331

                     Total amount of PPG received  2654.00

                     Total amount spent on pupils 4890.00


We ensure that the teaching, learning and experiences in our pre-school meets the needs of each individual child. We take into consideration each child’s culture capital to ensure we can enhance the children’s learning opportunities. The Early Years Pupil Premium Grant is spent in accordance to the individual eligible child and their family.  At the begging of academic year 2022 6 children were entitled to EYPP, in the spring and summer term 8 children were entitled.


Several of the children attended small social group activities on an enhanced ratio focusing on resilience and social skills.

Several of the children also attended small group physical activity sessions with other children from the setting to focus on building up confidence at risk taking and PSE , working together and encouraging each other.

We were able to purchase a new trampoline and wood for our logs, balancing beam area.

In addition to this we made several home bags for learning, one family were dealing with parental conflict and separation and another two were dealing with negative attention behaviours at home. Home visit and parenting support was added on to one of these families to support putting routines in place and how to manage unwanted behaviour and encourage positive behaviours.

We were able to start a therapy dog program, which all children in the setting were able to benefit from.

Several families faced financial difficulties this academic year in particular, one family had a new bed for the child and another had a new fridge for their family, food packages, clothing, shoes, coats and school uniforms were also purchased.

All EYPP children were given free access to the school trip along with their accompanying adult

All EYPP children were given free snacks and enhanced provision resources.

One child was able to attend preschool full time to help their parent gain access back to work whilst their child was in the setting whilst the parent was not able to be eligible for the 30 hour funding due to 0 hour contract and no school holiday child care.  The additional sessions brought the EYPP spending over the EYPP income, however the benefit for the child and the parent outweighed the financial impact on the preschool setting.    



 All our EYPP families except one ( who decided at the last minute to cancel) were able to attend the trip with their parent.

All children who are leaving for new school, have school uniforms and bag ready ( some have shoes and coat) for their new school.

All children were able to partake in the dog therapy program

Home school packs have stayed at the children’s homes as they were specific for the child at the time of purchase.

Attendance for all EYPP children had increased and children were making progress in their PSE.




                                   Number of pupils and Early Years pupil premium grant (EYPP) received

                                   Total number of pupils on roll 65  -    between 4 – 8 for year- EYPP

                                   Amount of PPG received per pupil

                                   Different for each pupil depending on how many sessions attended.

                                   Total amount of PPG received 1200.00

                                   Total amount spent on pupils £!350.00



We ensure that the teaching, learning and experiences in our pre-school meets the needs of each individual child. The Early Years Pupil Premium Grant is spent according to the individual needs of the children eligible and their families. This is reviewed each term and discussed with the family .



The Pupil premium received this year was spent on several different areas and were specific for each child in receipt of the payment.

Three children attended our I can language program with their funding being predominantly used to be able to complete the program, replace resources that requiring replacing to complete the training and provide some higher ratio opportunities to practice in the area the particular child needed additional support with.

A new dolls house and figures were purchased to improve one child’s confidence within building and making relationships by focusing on what interested and motivated that particular child

All Pupil Premium children had uniforms purchased for them for their transitioning schools.

All pupil premium children and their families had the school trip paid for so they could travel on the coach and attend the outing.

Pupil Premium child who remains in the setting, had preschool uniform, a lunch box,  a coat and some shoes purchased during their first term with us.

One family were given days out and travel expenses paid for their whole family to have two days out during the school holidays. 

Other PP children attended for longer sessions to improve their attendance and provide them with more opportunities to learn and develop within the classroom environment .    


All children were able to attend the school trip

Children attending for longer sessions, were more likely to attend for all their booked in sessions, increasing their attendance.

Financial impacts to purchase uniforms , reduced financial pressures at home.

Child who had specific toys purchased confidence grow as she shared and interacted/engaged with a wider range of children through using her favourite toys. 


                                                                       Expenditure 2020/21

               Number of pupils and Early Years pupil premium grant (EYPP) received

               Total number of pupils on roll 63  -    between 6 – 13 for year- EYPP

               Amount of PPG received per pupil £0.50p a hour attended £301.0year if child attends for the full 570 hours

               Total amount of PPG received £2774.44

               Total amount spent on pupils £3150.45




We ensure that the teaching, learning and experiences in our pre-school meets the needs of each individual child. The Early Years Pupil Premium Grant is spent according to the individual needs of the children eligible and their families. Six children were entitled at the beginning of the year, In spring this number extended to 13 children for the last two terms.

One child was home schooled during Covid for the spring term and his EYPP was used to support full one to one support when he returned to co inside with his inclusion needs.  



During the autumn term the children who were entitled to EYPP were already known to us, they all received another group session of the language program I can Early Boost, along with finances to help cover the costs of the extra session that four of them do each week.

Two children were from homes whose financial circumstances had been affected due to the pandemic, these children were given home school learning packs, school uniforms, shoes, lunch boxes and food packs to help them during these times.

Three families were given home parenting support with staff member visiting their homes to do stay and play and indenti bag play sessions.

During the spring term, four children were in receipt of a free extra session from the setting and their EYPP finances went towards the costs of these sessions, this meant that all four children could attend for an extra afternoon, giving them three full days of early years education.   All four children were slightly below in all areas of the curriculum and were unable to receive enrichment days at home, due to the pandemic we were unable to support enrichment activities outside of preschool, so instead provided the children with extra sessions to experience more preschool activities experiences.

Four new home school literacy sacks were made these were all used at home by each family along with the literacy sacks already in the setting.

Four new identi play bags were also made, which again the children were able to share at home with their families.


During the summer term a new fairy/dragon area was created, two of the children in receipt of EYPP were quiet children who mainly played solitary and with the doll’s house resources, the fairy and dragon area was made and resources purchased to enhance the area and inspire more children to play together and share ideas with these children in the area.  The area became popular immediately and we were able to see an improvement in social communication and relationship building, with all the EYPP children as well as the other children in the setting engaging positively in the area.

Four children were given book trust membership which sends books and activities home once a month for six months to encourage home learning and sharing children’s learning at home.

At the end of the year, two children had their school uniforms for their new schools purchased for them along with book bags and shoes ready for their transition into primary education.



During the Autumn and spring term, the progress made for each individual child was tracked and each child made good progress in their Communication, language and literacy as well as their listening and attention through the I can program purchased with a small percentage of the EYPP finances, in addition the children who received food, clothing and activities parcels talked about how they had been using their activities at home and attended in school uniform with lunch boxes.


The children who received extra sessions, attendance improved on their half days which several missed regularly , with all the children attending for the extra session and having a full extra day at preschool to experience the activities on offer and gain vital learning experiences.  


Having the finances to improve the outdoor area and create a small world fairy/dragon area, creating a provocation to learning and encouraged the quieter more reserved EYPP children into playing with children they usually did not play with and encouraged them to build up their imagination, social communication and personal skills.


The book trust packs did not arrive until May making evaluating their impact difficult as they are still in the early days of receiving the packs and the children are moving on to primary education. However one family reported how much their child looks forward to receiving the books and how they read them together every night.



                          Number of pupils and Early Years pupil premium grant (EYPP) received

                          Total number of pupils on roll 65  -    between 3-6 for year- EYPP

                          Amount of PPG received per pupil £0.50p a hour attended £301.0year if child attends for the full 570 hours

                          Total amount of PPG received £1098.00 

                          Total amount spent on pupils £2050.00




We ensure that the teaching, learning and experiences in our pre-school meets the needs of each individual child. The Early Years Pupil Premium Grant is spent according to the individual needs of the children eligible and their families. Three children were entitled at the beginning of the year, one child became un-entitled and an additional four children became entitled during the summer term. One of these children attended during the summer term with the other children not attending due to the COVID outbreak.  




There was a mixture of needs identified within the cohort

Five of the children were below expected development in  Literacy, Communication and Language Development. 

We used some of the finances to re run out I can language program, as we had to purchase some additional resources for the program that had not been returned from families using the program .  The finances also help us staff these vital sessions.


We purchased and made a new home school bag called the dentist kit, with a range of resources and activities to promote healthy practises in particular focusing looking after your teeth.

We purchased child sized cleaning resources for those children who did not understand cleaning practises and healthy lifestyle choices and routines.


In addition, individual children had individual items purchased that were identified as something that would help that particular child and their family.


We also booked several extra curriculum activities, such as donkeys visiting, bugs, pet zoo visits and trips, however these were all cancelled due to COVID 19

Instead the children entitled to EYPP during the summer received activities and resources sent to their homes during the COVID 19  pandemic when they were unable to attend preschool, we purchased school uniforms for the children going on to primary education , gave them supermarket vouchers and made home bags for each child with objects that focus on their interests as well as providing them with resources that focus on the areas of the EYFS that the individual child is falling behind in.




During the Autumn and spring term, ,the progress made for each individual child was tracked and each child made good progress in their Communication, language and literacy as well as their listening and attention through the I can program purchased with a small percentage of the EYPP finances.

Unfortunately COVID 19 made tracking the end of the spring and the summer term difficult as none of the children attended preschool for the whole of the summer term. However, the families received resources and activities to keep at home, regular home videos and activities were sent via our online platform.



Number of pupils and Early Years pupil premium grant (EYPP) received

Total number of pupils on roll   65  -     6- EYPP

Amount of PPG received per pupil   £0.50p a hour attended

£301.0year if child attends for the full 570 hours

Total amount of PPG received   £1022   

Total amount spent on pupils    £1658.00




We ensure that the teaching, learning and experiences in our pre-school meets the needs of each individual child. The Early Years Pupil Premium Grant is spent according to the individual needs of the children eligible. Only two children were entitled at the beginning of the year, with an additional two in January and an additional 2 in April




One third of the children were below average in communication language and literacy and five out of the six required support with managing their behaviour and regulating their emotions. Two parents were struggling at home to manage their children and support their children in these areas . All children attended two extra curriculum activities and five children attended the preschool annual trip with funding from their EYPP. Two children were able to access additional sessions at preschool, Three families were given parenting support and advice. Resources were purchased specifically for three children. 




The progress made for each individual child was tracked and each child made good progress in their Communication, language and literacy as well as their listening and attention through the I can program purchased with a small percentage of the EYPP finances. All children attended two extra curriculum activities and five children attended the preschool annual trip with funding from their EYPP. Attendance was improved with two of the children and time keeping improved with two of the children.




Number of pupils and Early Years pupil premium grant (EYPP) received

Total number of pupils on roll


Amount of PPG received per pupil

£301.40 a year if child attends for the full 570 hours

Total amount of PPG received


Total amount spent on pupils




We ensure that the teaching, learning and experiences in our pre-school meets the needs of each individual child. The Early Years Pupil Premium Grant is spent according to the individual needs of the children eligible. We had discussions with all our children and their families, this year most of the EYPP children were academically working in expected areas, they had been attending preschool for some time and had built several friendships, however they did not have lots of extra curriculum experiences.



Whilst talking to our EYPP children and their families we became aware that several had never been on a bus, whilst then talking to the whole group , we realised that a third of the children in our setting had not been on public transport. We used some of the EYPP funding to organise and complete bus trips where we explored our local neighbourhood, spending time exploring local woodland, having picnic and having a couple of forest school sessions.




 The children talked about the bus trip for a lengthy period of time and reported it as one of their favourite experiences.




Number of pupils and Early Years pupil premium grant (EYPP) received

Total number of pupils on roll

66  children 6 EYPP

Amount of PPG received per pupil

£301.40 a year if child attends for the full 570 hours

Total amount of PPG received


Total amount spent on pupils




We ensure that the teaching, learning and experiences in our pre-school meets the needs of each individual child. The Early Years Pupil Premium Grant is spent according to the individual needs of the children eligible.

Looking at the eligible children for 2016/17, we have identified several different needs.

Two areas requiring support is PSE and literacy, we have purchased resources for 10 home school sacks. Home school sacks are to encourage family time, encourage participation and develop an awareness of what their child is learning and how their child is developing. How to encourage learning at home together. Another area identified is mathematics, we have purchases some new mathematical activities. In addition to these three areas, several of the children have younger siblings at home and the parents have requested extra sessions to ensure their child is able to receive additional learning activities within the preschool setting and the parents can spend time working on their wellbeing and spending time with their new babies.   



Providing small group work with children to overcome gaps in literacy and mathematics along with developing their turn taking and social engagement skills. New mathematical activities to encourage increased involvement focusing in the mathematical area . All staff attending Makaton training.

Additional Sessions were given to several of the families for either the full year or part of the year, these extra session, ensured attendance as whole days were being offered instead of half days, along with consistency of rules and boundaries, In addition several parents had younger siblings and parents had expressed that they were struggling at home with the pre-schooler and the baby, with new dolls we were able to bath babies, feed babies and care for them in the home corner, role modelling appropriate behaviours towards babies. 



The progress made for each individual child is tracked to ensure that progress is being made and that principles being put in place and that they are working and children and their families are benefiting from this funding. The home school sacks have been positive, the feedback generated was positive and showed an increase of family interaction time, children had been able to choose which bag to take home and share the bags in school during group times.

The small group times are valuable in many ways, children receiving a higher ratio with focused learning tailored for them allowed the child to practise vital skills regularly and without as many distractions.

The extra sessions have worked well with the families, attendance in two cases increased and the behaviour in two cases also showed an increase within the managing of their own behaviour. In addition to this; two family members had to spend some time in hospital and they were then able to have some relief over their child care arrangements.  



           Number of pupils and Early Years pupil premium grant (EPPG) received

           Total number of pupils on roll    - 70   -     6 EYPP

           Amount of PPG received per pupil during 2015/2016   - £301.40 a year  for each child that  attends for the full 570 hours

           Total amount of PPG received  -  £1,301.00

           Total amount spent on pupils   -  £1,901.00 +  £601.00

           Total investment made by the setting to cover the costs £600.00



We ensure that the teaching, learning and experiences in our pre-school meets the needs of each individual child. The Early Years Pupil Premium Grant is spent according to the individual needs of the children eligible.

We identified that some of the children eligible during 2015/2016 were showing signs of requiring additional support with their Personal, Social and Emotional development; behaviour, listening, turn taking and waiting. In addition to this, some of the eligible children also lived in premises without outdoor areas and some children identified struggled with physical challenges and exercise. Several of the eligible children had not accessed wider curriculum/ enrichment activities.




Providing enrichment activities that these children were not able to otherwise access provided children with the opportunity to experience activities that would help support their health, physical  and social skills along with providing children and their parents with ideas to encourage physical exercise . 

The gym club provided the opportunity to overcome the gaps in their physical development, along with introducing and encouraging the children to exercise. In addition to this the club supported the staff and parents to be able to help support these physical skills and their social skills by working in

 small groups on a range of apparatus. Children had to wait, take turns, listen and follow instructions which in turn supported the development of  their social skills and  behaviour. 

In addition to this jazzy jamboree music activity came in, staff were trained and learnt additional musical activities to enrich the children along with encourage listening, waiting and social skills development.  




The progress made for each individual child was tracked and each child made good progress in both physical and social skills area, in addition to this; children made progress in using their imagination and displayed wider range of interest, they were more involved, showed signs of taking pleasure in playing for plays sake and being involved in their own learning.


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