St Mary's Pre-School Yate
Language and communication Development and Personal Social and Emotional Development
We are a recognised language champion provider within our local authority. We also run a I can Early Boost Program and staff have been trained using the Henen technique to support children's language development. In addition to this staff use makaton, Picture Exchange systems, Picture grids and visuals to support language and communication skills.
Staff members have also been trained in social and emotional development support by Thrive and Jigsaw
I CAN Early Talk Boost is a pre-school language intervention designed for children aged 3-4 years who have delayed language development. The intervention helps to boost their language skills, helping to narrow achievement gaps between them and their peers. We assess children during their first term when they turn three using the I can tracker, if any children fall into the slightly below expected development, we invite them to take part in our I can program. The children attend for three half hour sessions a week for nine weeks. The children take home a different book each week, which is shared during each of the sessions.
Most of the staff are also trained in Hanen Teacher Talk language program, which provides the staff with core strategies from the Learning Language and Loving It Program for Early Childhood Educators to help us create a rich and stimulating language-learning environments for the young children we work with. One staff memberhas also trained in the ELKAN language program .
Thrive and Jigsaw Programs
Jigsaw is a mindful approach to PSHE which holds children at its heart and aims to equip them for happy, healthy lives and to be effective learners. Our Owner Rachel trained in July 2023 and the Jigsaw program is due to start in 2023/2024 for our children and families. You will be invited to be part of the program if you/ your child fit the criteria or if you would like to be part of the program. For more information go to Jigsaw ( or speak to Rachel. Jigsaw PSHE were the winner of the The Teach Primary Wellbeing Teacher Resource Award in 2022.
Thrive - A secure foundation for life and learning - Rachel is also starting to train in the Thrive approach in September 2023
What is thrive approach - The development that happens during the first three years of life offers the optimum advantage to provide the relationships, experiences and connections needed to create a secure foundation for life and learning.
Thrive supports the adults caring for babies, toddlers and young children to understand why, how and what they can do to help build these solid foundations enabling subsequent social and emotional development to follow when transitioning to primary school.
Even though all early years provision is unique and have their own needs and aspirations for more information